2016 Summer internship for INdigenous peoples in Genomics Alumni Conference Schedule
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Location: Wisconsin Union Hotel
1308 S. Dayton St.
Madison, WI 53715
Hotel phone: 608.263.2600
(Tell a taxi or Uber driver that it is the WI Union Hotel at Union South between Campus Drive and Dayton St.)
Tuesday, July 5 | ||
6:30- 9:00 pm |
Opening reception and dinner at Steenbock’s on Orchard (in the Discovery Building at the corner of Campus Drive and Orchard St., across from the Union Hotel) |
Wednesday, July 6 - Discovery Building, Room 3330 | ||
8:30-8:50 am |
Welcome Opening prayer/song (Joe Yracheta) |
8:50-11:00 am |
Check-ins and Talking Circle (Nanibaa’ Garrison) Each participant will be invited share their accomplishments, future aspirations, hopes, difficulties that they are encountering, or anything else with the group. |
11:00-11:15 am | Break | |
11:15-12:15 pm |
Indigenizing Genomics Panel Enhancing genomic research through an indigenous perspective (Katrina Claw, Keolu Fox, Joe Yracheta) |
12:15-1:15 pm | Lunch | |
1:15-5:00 pm |
Writing session on opinion pieces 1:15-2:30 pm Overview (Deborah Bolnick and Katrina Claw) |
6:00 pm | Dinner on your own in Madison |
Thursday, July 7 | ||
7:30-9:00 am |
Breakfast at the Discovery Building, room 3330 Then go back to Union South for the morning’s public sessions (room # announced on the monitors on the ground floor and in your arrival packets). |
9:00-10:30 am |
Native American experiences in the academic pipeline (open to public) Moderator: Joe Yracheta Panelists: Marcus Briggs-Cloud |
10:30-10:45 am | Break | |
10:45-12:00 pm |
Short Talks by SING researchers (open to public) Angela Neller – Culturally Affiliating the Ancient One (Kennewick Man): A Tribal Perspective |
12:00-1:00 pm | Lunch back at the Discovery Building, room 3330 | |
1:00-3:15 pm |
SING future plans and deliverables SING logo (Nanibaa’ Garrison) |
3:15 pm | Closing Remarks |